1. R. V. Filkoski: Heat Transfer in Boiler Furnaces with Stationary Fluidised Bed, M.Sc. Thesis, Univ. “Sts Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 1997
2. R. V. Filkoski: Modelling of Thermal Processes and Optimisation of Energetic-Environmental Characteristics of Modern Boiler Plants, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. “Sts Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2004
1. D. Tashevski, R. Filkoski, R. Tashevski: Model za proracun koncentracija polutanata u urbanim sredinama, Procesna tehnika, No 3-4, 1996, str. 206-213
2. R. Filkoski, L. Przybylski, I. Petrovski: Verification of the Method for Estimating the Combustion Efficiency in a Fluidised Bed Combustor, Thermal Science, Vol. 4, No. 2, Belgrade, 2000, pp.101-11
3. R. V. Filkoski, A. J. Stefanova, I. J. Petrovski, A. Nošpal: Istraživanje termičkih karakteristika ložišta sa cirkulacionim fluidizovanim slojem, Procesna tehnika, Broj 1, God. 18, 2002, pp.83-86
4. R. Filkoski, I. Petrovski, I. Sekovanić: Energetski i ekološki efekti supstitucije mazuta prirodnim gasom u vrelovodnim kotlovima tipa VKSM, Procesna tehnika, Broj 1, God. 18, 2002, pp.157-160
5. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Computational Fluid Dynamics in Function of Boilers' Revitalisation, 15 Int. Symp. POWER AND PROCESS PLANTS, Dubrovnik, Strucni casopis EGE, 2002
6. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, I. Sekovanic: Effects of Substitution of Oil with Natural Gas in Hot-Water Boilers of VKSM Type, 15 Int. Symp. POWER AND PROCESS PLANTS, Dubrovnik, Strucni casopis EGE, 2002
7. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, P. Karaś: Trojwymiarowe modelowanie spalania wegla w kotle energetycznym z paleniskiem tangencjalnym, Energetyka, Nr 3 (597), Rocznik 57, OWE, Katowice, 2004, pp.145-151
8. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, P. Karaś: Optimisation of Pulverised Coal Combustion by Means of CFD/CTA Modelling, accepted for publication in (An International Journal of) Thermal Science, Vol. 10 (3), Belgrade, 2006, pp. 161-179
9. R. V. Filkoski, S. V. Belosevic, I. J. Petrovski, S. N. Oka, M. A. Sijercic: CFD Technique as a Tool for Description of the Phenomena Occuring in Pulverised Coal Boilers, Int. Journal of Power and Energy, Prof. Eng. Publishing, (In press) 2007
10. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Advanced Computational Methods for Complex Simulation of Thermal Processes in Power Engineering, Journal of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova, (In press), 2007
1. D. Ta{evski, R. Filkoski, R. Ta{evski, D. Bitrakovski: Analiza na zagaduvaweto na vozduhot od kotli so fluidiziran sloj, Petto sovetuvawe na Dru{tvoto na termi~arite na Makedonija, Ohrid, 1995
2. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: A Model for Thermal Calculation of Stationary Fluidised Bed Boiler Furnace, 1st South-Eastern European Symposium on Fluidised Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Engineering and Ecology, Ohrid, 1997
3. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Efficiency of the Combustion Process in the Stationary Fluidised Bed Boiler Furnace, 1st South-Eastern European Symposium on Fluidised Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Engineering and Ecology, Ohrid, 1997
4. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: A Method for Estimating the Combustion Efficiency in Stationary Fluidised Bed Boilers, 3rd Conference on Energy Research Problems “PBEC ‘97”, Warsaw, 1997
5. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Zone Thermal Calculation Model of Stationary Fluidised Bed Boilers, 3rd Conference on Energy Research Problems “PBEC ‘97”, Warsaw, 1997
6. R. Filkoski, V. Stojkovski, I. Petrovski: Heat Transfer in the Freeboard Region of a Stationary Fluidised Bed Boiler Furnace, 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering ”CHISA ‘98”, Praha, 1998
7. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Heat Transfer in Fluidised Bed Boiler Furnaces, 37th International Energy Agency FBC Meeting, Chatou, France, 1998
8. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Modelling of Thermal Processes in Pulverised Coal-Fired Boilers – An Overall Programming Frame, 4th Conference on Energy Research Problems “PBEC ‘99”, Warsaw, 1999
9. R. V. Filkoski, L. Przybylski, I. J. Petrovski: Verification of the Method for Estimating the Combustion Efficiency in a Fluidised Bed Combustor, 2nd South-Eastern European Symposium on Fluidised Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Engineering and Ecology, Arandjelovac, Yugoslavia, 1999
10. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, I. Gjurkov: Influence of the Burner System to the Thermal Processes in Pulverised Coal-Fired Boilers, 14th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering ”CHISA 2000”, Praha, 2000
11. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, I. Gjurkov: Environmental Impact of the Substitution of Oil with Natural Gas in Hot Water Boilers, 14th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering ”CHISA 2000”, Praha, 2000
12. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: CFD Modelling Helps the Prediction of Boiler Performances When Fired with Alternative Fuel, ASME-ZSITS International Thermal Science Seminar, Bled, Slovenia, 2000
13. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Azotni oksidi vo gasovite na generatorite na para na te~no gorivo, Me|unaroden simpozium ZEMAK 2000, Ohrid, 2000
14. R. V. Filkoski, A. J. Stefanova, I. J. Petrovski: Investigation of Concentration and Temperature Profiles in a CFB Riser, 3rd Symposium of South-East European Countries "Fluidized Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Engineering and Ecology", Sinaia, Romania, 2001
15. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. Nospal, V. Stojkovski: CFD Predictions of Heat Transfer in Circulating Fluidised Bed Boilers, 2nd Southeastern Europe Fluent Users Group Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, 2001
16. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, V. Stojkovski: CFD Predictions of Boiler Performances When Fired With Alternative Fuel, 5th Conference "Power Engineering Research Problems 2001", Warsaw, 2001
17. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, I. Gjurkov: Temperature and Flow Fields in Pulverised Coal-Fired Boiler Furnace, 5th Conference "Power Engineering Research Problems 2001", Warsaw, 2001
18. A. Stefanova, I. Petrovski, A. Nospal, R. Filkoski: Recent Findings in Heat Transfer Modeling in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers, 7th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2002
19. R. V. Filkoski, A. J. Stefanova, I. J. Petrovski: Examination of Thermal Characteristics of High Temperature CFB Riser, 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering "CHISA 2002", Praha, Czech Republic, 2002, /2002/ac_contrib_edit.asp?id_ 02=830
20. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. Nospal: CFD Simulation of Processes in Pulverised Coal-Fired Boiler Furnace, 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering "CHISA 2002", Praha, Czech Republic, 2002,
21. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. Nospal, A. J. Stefanova: CFD Simulation of Processes in Circulating Fluidised Bed Boilers, 13 Internationl Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2002
22. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. Nospal: CFD Technique for Utility Steam Generators: Challenges and Opportunities, ENERGY FORUM 2002, Varna, Bulgaria, 2002
23. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: CFD Investigation of Thermal Processes in the Steam Generator OB-380, 2002 Southeastern Europe Fluent Users Group Meeting Thessaloniki, Greece, 2002
24. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. J. Stefanova: Investigation of Circulating Fluidised Beds with CFD Technique, 4th International Symposium "Fluidized Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Engineering and Ecology", Thessaloniki, 2003
25. R. V. Filkoski I. J. Petrovski: Investigation of Flow, Combustion and Heat Transfer in a Utility Pulverized-Coal Boiler, International Energy Forum, Varna, 2003
26. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. J. Stefanova: Modelling of Circulating Fluidised Beds Using CFD Technique, International Energy Forum, Varna, 2003
27. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Temperature Predictions in Furnace of Power Steam Boiler, Southeastern Europe Fluent Users Group Meeting, Istanbul, 2003
28. R. V. Filkoski, P. Karaś, I. J. Petrovski: 3-D Modelling of Pulverised-Coal Combustion in Power Boiler with Tangential Furnace, 6th International Conference “Power Engineering Research Problems”, Warsaw, 2003
29. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Investigation of Furnace Processes in Power Steam Generators Based on CFD Simulation Tools, Int. Symposium ”Power Plants”, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 2004
30. Risto V. Filkoski, Ilija J. Petrovski, Piotr Karaś: CFD/CTA Modelling Suggests Ways Towards Lower Emission From Pulverised Coal Combustion, International Symposium “Moving Towards Zero-Emission Plants”, Leptokarya Pieria, Greece, 2005
31. R. V. Filkoski, S. V. Belosevic, I. J. Petrovski, S. N. Oka, M. A. Sijercic: Two Approaches for Numerical Simulation of Processes in Systems for Pulverised Coal Combustion, in Transport Phenomena in Science and Technology 2005, v. 2, Proceedings of 5th Symposium of South East European Countries, J. Hristov (Ed.), Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2005, pp. 95-108
32. R. V. Filkoski: CFD Modelling of Processes and Optimisation of Energetic-Environmental Characteristics of Modern Boiler Plants, First International Course Computational Engineering, DAAD – Germany, Publ. by CERDECEN, Technical University of Sofia, P. Stankov (Editor), Pamporovo, Bulgaria, 2005, pp. 168-171
33. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Biomass as Energy Source in Local Conditions in Macedonia, 12th Symposium of the Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia and Montenegro “Energy, Efficiency, Ecology”, Sokobanja, Serbia, 2005
34. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Power Generation and Environmental Issues: Some Japanese Experiences, Int. Symposium “Power Plants 2006”, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 2006