1. R. V. Filkoski: Heat Transfer in Boiler Furnaces with Stationary Fluidised Bed, M.Sc. Thesis, Univ. “Sts Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 1997
2. R. V. Filkoski: Modelling of Thermal Processes and Optimisation of Energetic-Environmental Characteristics of Modern Boiler Plants, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. “Sts Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2004
1. R. V. Filkoski: Thermal Calculations in Boiler Technique, Textbook (working version), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2006
2. R. V. Filkoski: Energy Technologies for Environment Protection, Textbook (working version), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2007
3. R. V. Filkoski: Modelling of Energy Conversion Processes, Textbook, Tempus CARDS JEP-19017 “Numerical Simulation Program in Mechanical Engineering”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2009
4. R. V. Filkoski: Thermal Devices, Textbook (working version), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2008
5. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Air Pollution Control, Textbook, DEREC Tempus JEP CD_JEP-19840-2004 “Development of Environmental and Resources Engineering Curriculum, Florence-Skopje, 2008
6. R. J. Tashevski, R. V. Filkoski: Engineering Graphics for Environmental Engineers, Textbook, DEREC Tempus JEP CD_JEP-19840-2004 “Development of Environmental and Resources Engineering Curriculum, Florence-Skopje, 2008
7. M. Azievska (coord.), R. V. Filkoski et al.: Second National Communication on Climate Change, monography, MoEPP, ICEIM-MANU, Skopje, 2008, ISBN 978-9989-110-68-94
8. I.J. Petrovski, R.V. Filkoski, S. Kozinakova, E. Kitanovska, B. Stanojevska Pecurovska, Handbook for Energy Management in Processes in Food and Drinks Processing Industry, Publ. Centre for Climate Change, Energy Agency of the Republic of Macedonia, CIP 620.9:005(035), ISBN 978-608-65794-0-1,Skopje, 2015 (И. Ј. Петровски, Р. В. Филкоски, С. Козинакова, Е. Китановска, Б. Станојевска Пецуровска: Прирачник за енергетски менаџмент и енергетска ефикасност во индустрија, Агенција за енергетика на РМ и Центар за климатски промени, CIP 620.9:005(035), ISBN 978-608-65794-0-1,Скопје, 2015)
9. R. V. Filkoski, Process Technique and Processing Engineering, FME, 2020
10. R. V. Filkoski, Energy Conversion Technologies, FME, 2020
1. D. Tashevski, R. Filkoski, R. Tashevski: Model for Estimation of the Pollutants Concentrations in Urban Areas, Procesna tehnika, No 3-4, 1996, pp. 206-213
2. R. V. Filkoski, L. Przybylski, I. J. Petrovski: Verification of Method for Estimating the Combustion Efficiency in a Fluidised Bed Combustor, (An International Journal of) Thermal Science, Vol. 4 (2), 2000, pp.101-111
3. R. V. Filkoski, A. J. Stefanova, I. J. Petrovski, A. Nošpal: Investigation of the Thermal Characteristics of Circulatinf Fluidised Bed Furnaces, Procesna tehnika, Vol. 18, No.1, 2002, pp.83-86
4. R. Filkoski, I. Petrovski, I. Sekovanić: Energy and Environmental Effects of the Substitution of Fuel Oil With Natural Gas in Hot-Water Boilers of VKSM Type, Procesna tehnika, Vol. 18, No.1, 2002, pp.157-160
5. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Computational Fluid Dynamics in Function of Boilers' Revitalisation, 15 Int. Symp. POWER AND PROCESS PLANTS, Dubrovnik, Strucni casopis EGE, 2002
6. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, I. Sekovanic: Effects of Substitution of Oil with Natural Gas in Hot-Water Boilers of VKSM Type, 15 Int. Symp. POWER AND PROCESS PLANTS, Dubrovnik, Strucni casopis EGE, 2002
7. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, P. Karaś: Trojwymiarowe modelowanie spalania wegla w kotle energetycznym z paleniskiem tangencjalnym, Energetyka, Nr 3 (597), Rocznik 57, OWE, Katowice, 2004, pp.145-151
8. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, P. Karaś: Optimisation of Pulverised Coal Combustion by Means of CFD/CTA Modelling, (An International Journal of) Thermal Science, Vol. 10 (3), 2006, pp. 161-179
9. R. V. Filkoski, S. V. Belosevic, I. J. Petrovski, S. N. Oka, M. A. Sijercic: CFD Technique as a Tool for Description of the Phenomena Occuring in Pulverised Coal Boilers, Proc. ImechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 221, No 3, Prof. Eng. Publishing, 2007, pp. 399-409
10. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Advanced Computational Methods for Complex Simulation of Thermal Processes in Power Engineering, Journal of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova, No.1, 2007, pp. 24-37
11. R. V. Filkoski: Radiation Heat Transfer Modelling and CFD Analysis of Pulverised-Coal Combustion with Staged Air Introduction, Archives of Thermodynamics, Vol. 30(2009), No. 4, IFFM Publishers, 2009, pp.97-118
12. R. V. Filkoski: Pulverised-Coal Combustion with Staged Air Introduction: CFD Analysis with Different Radiation Methods, The Open Thermodynamics Journal, Vol. 4(2010), Bentham Science Publishers, 2010, pp. 2-12
13. Filkoski, R., Petrovski, I., Ginovska, M., Borchsenius, H., A Case Study of Energy Recovery in Ferro-Alloys Industry, Termotehnika, 2011, XXXVII, 37 (3), pp. 263-271.
14. Armenski S., Filkoski R.V., Modern technologies for utilization of geothermal energy and its influence to the environment, In “Geothermal energy in Macedonia – Kochani depression”, Presing, Journal of the Chamber of authorised architects and engineers of Macedonia, ISSN1857-744X, No. 3, 2011, pp.5-15
15. Vladimir Strezov, Emilija Popovic, Risto V. Filkoski, Pushan Shah, Tim Evans, Assessment of the Thermal Processing Behaviour of Tobacco Waste, Energy and Fuels, ACS Publications, 2012, 26, 5930-5935 (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ef3006004)
16. Filkoski R. V., Joleska Bureska L., Petrovski I. J., 2013, Assessment of the Impact of Under-Fire Air Introduction on the Pulverised Coal Combustion Efficiency, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 34, 25-30, DOI: 10.3303/CET1334005
17. Mikulcic H., Vujanovic M., Markovska N., Filkoski R. V., Ban M., Duic N., CO2 Emission Reduction in the Cement Industry, Chemical Engineering Transactions, AIDIC publ., Vol. 35, 2013, 703-708, ISBN 978-88-95608-26-6; ISSN 1974-9791 DOI: 10.3303/CET1335117
18. Tashevski D. J., Filkoski R. V., Shesho I. K., Optimisation of binary cogenerative thermal power plants with solid oxide fuel cells on natural gas, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), Vol. 5, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 122-131 (ISSN 0976 – 6340 (Print), ISSN 0976-6359 (online))
19. Chekerovska M., Filkoski R. V., Efficiency of solar-tracking liquid flat-plate solar energy collector, Thermal Science (An International Journal), 2015, Vol. 19, Issue 5, pp. 1673-1684, DOI: 10.2298/TSCI150427099C
20. Krasniqi D., Filkoski R. V., Krasniqi F., An approach towards thermal power plants efficiency analysis by use of exergy method, International Journal of Contemporary Energy, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2016, pp.63-68 (DOI: 10.14621/ce.20160108; ISSN 2363-6440)
21. Stojkovski F., Chekerovska M., Filkoski R. V., Stojkovski V., Numerical modelling of a solar chimney power plant, International Journal of Contemporary Energy, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2016, pp.14-21 (DOI: 10.14621/ce.20160102; ISSN 2363-6440)
22. Bunjaku F., Filkoski R.V., Sahiti N., Thermal optimisation and comparison of geometric parameters of rectangular and triangular fins with constant surfacing, Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Strojniski vestnik) 63(2017)7-8, 439-446
23. Tashevski D., Filkoski R., Dimitrovski D., Shesho I., Environmental benefits from optimisation of sustainable heating systems in Skopje, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 18, No. 3, 2017, pp. 1158-1168
24. Krasniqi D., Filkoski R.V., Selimaj R., Krasniqi M., Thermal dynamic analysis of parallel and counter flow heat exchangers, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 6, 2018, pp. 723-729 ISSN Print: 0976-6340, ISSN Online: 0976-6359
25. Krasniqi Alidema D., Filkoski R. V., Krasniqi M., Exergy efficiency analysis of lignite-fired steam generator, Thermal Science, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2018, pp. 2087-2101
26. Filkoski R. V., Petrovski I. J., Gjurchinovski Z., Energy optimisation of vertical shaft kiln operation in the process of dolomite calcination, Thermal Science, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2018, pp. 2123-2135
27. Shesho I. K., Filkoski R. V., Tashevski D. J., Techno-economic and environmental optimisation of heat supply systems in urban areas, Thermal Science, Vol. 22, Suppl. 5, 2018 pp. S1-S13
28. Filkoski R.V., Lazarevska A.M., Mladenovska D., Kitanovski D., Steam system optimisation of an industrial heat and power plant, Thermal Science (The Int. J.), 2020, Vol. 24, No 6A, pp. 3649-3662
29. Shesho I.K., Tashevski D.J., Filkoski R.V., Heat transfer between heated, partially heated and non-heated residential units in buildings, 2020 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 410 012025
30. Hyseni D., Tashevski D.J., Filkoski R.V., Shesho I.K., Energy efficiency in complex buildings, 2020, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 410 012024
1. D. Tashevski, R. Filkoski, R. Tashevski, D. Bitrakovski: Analisys of the Air Pollution From Fluidised Bed Boilers, 5th Meeting of the Society of Thermal Engineers of Macedonia, Ohrid, 1995
2. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: A Model for Thermal Calculation of Stationary Fluidised Bed Boiler Furnace, 1st South-Eastern European Symposium on Fluidised Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Engineering and Ecology, Ohrid, 1997
3. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Efficiency of the Combustion Process in the Stationary Fluidised Bed Boiler Furnace, 1st South-Eastern European Symposium on Fluidised Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Engineering and Ecology, Ohrid, 1997
4. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: A Method for Estimating the Combustion Efficiency in Stationary Fluidised Bed Boilers, 3rd Conference on Energy Research Problems “PBEC ‘97”, Warsaw, 1997
5. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Zone Thermal Calculation Model of Stationary Fluidised Bed Boilers, 3rd Conference on Energy Research Problems “PBEC ‘97”, Warsaw, 1997
6. R. Filkoski, V. Stojkovski, I. Petrovski: Heat Transfer in the Freeboard Region of a Stationary Fluidised Bed Boiler Furnace, 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering ”CHISA ‘98”, Praha, 1998
7. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Heat Transfer in Fluidised Bed Boiler Furnaces, 37th International Energy Agency FBC Meeting, Chatou, France, 1998
8. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Modelling of Thermal Processes in Pulverised Coal-Fired Boilers – An Overall Programming Frame, 4th Conference on Energy Research Problems “PBEC ‘99”, Warsaw, 1999
9. R. V. Filkoski, L. Przybylski, I. J. Petrovski: Verification of the Method for Estimating the Combustion Efficiency in a Fluidised Bed Combustor, 2nd South-Eastern European Symposium on Fluidised Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Engineering and Ecology, Arandjelovac, Yugoslavia, 1999
10. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, I. Gjurkov: Influence of the Burner System to the Thermal Processes in Pulverised Coal-Fired Boilers, 14th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering ”CHISA 2000”, Praha, 2000
11. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, I. Gjurkov: Environmental Impact of the Substitution of Oil with Natural Gas in Hot Water Boilers, 14th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering ”CHISA 2000”, Praha, 2000
12. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: CFD Modelling Helps the Prediction of Boiler Performances When Fired with Alternative Fuel, ASME-ZSITS International Thermal Science Seminar, Bled, Slovenia, 2000
13. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Nitrous Oxides in Flue Gases of Oil Fired Steam Generators, International Symposium ZEMAK 2000, Ohrid, 2000
14. R. V. Filkoski, A. J. Stefanova, I. J. Petrovski: Investigation of Concentration and Temperature Profiles in a CFB Riser, 3rd Symposium of South-East European Countries "Fluidized Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Engineering and Ecology", Sinaia, Romania, 2001
15. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. Nospal, V. Stojkovski: CFD Predictions of Heat Transfer in Circulating Fluidised Bed Boilers, 2nd Southeastern Europe Fluent Users Group Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, 2001
16. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, V. Stojkovski: CFD Predictions of Boiler Performances When Fired With Alternative Fuel, 5th Conference "Power Engineering Research Problems 2001", Warsaw, 2001
17. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, I. Gjurkov: Temperature and Flow Fields in Pulverised Coal-Fired Boiler Furnace, 5th Conference "Power Engineering Research Problems 2001", Warsaw, 2001
18. A. Stefanova, I. Petrovski, A. Nospal, R. Filkoski: Recent Findings in Heat Transfer Modeling in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers, 7th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2002
19. R. V. Filkoski, A. J. Stefanova, I. J. Petrovski: Examination of Thermal Characteristics of High Temperature CFB Riser, 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering "CHISA 2002", Praha, Czech Republic, 2002, http://www.chisa.cz/2002/contrib_list_affil.asp
20. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. T. Nospal: CFD Simulation of Processes in Pulverised Coal-Fired Boiler Furnace, 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering "CHISA 2002", Praha, Czech Republic, 2002, http://www.chisa.cz/2002/contrib_list_affil.asp
21. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. T. Nospal, A. J. Stefanova: CFD Simulation of Processes in Circulating Fluidised Bed Boilers, 13 Internationl Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2002
22. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. T. Nospal: CFD Technique for Utility Steam Generators: Challenges and Opportunities, International Energy Forum 2002, Varna, Bulgaria, 2002
23. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: CFD Investigation of Thermal Processes in the Steam Generator OB-380, 2002 Southeastern Europe Fluent Users Group Meeting Thessaloniki, Greece, 2002
24. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. J. Stefanova: Investigation of Circulating Fluidised Beds with CFD Technique, 4th International Symposium "Fluidized Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Engineering and Ecology", Thessaloniki, 2003
25. R. V. Filkoski I. J. Petrovski: Investigation of Flow, Combustion and Heat Transfer in a Utility Pulverized-Coal Boiler, International Energy Forum, Varna, 2003
26. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. J. Stefanova: Modelling of Circulating Fluidised Beds Using CFD Technique, International Energy Forum, Varna, 2003
27. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Temperature Predictions in Furnace of Power Steam Boiler, Southeastern Europe Fluent Users Group Meeting, Istanbul, 2003
28. R. V. Filkoski, P. Karaś, I. J. Petrovski: 3-D Modelling of Pulverised-Coal Combustion in Power Boiler with Tangential Furnace, 6th International Conference “Power Engineering Research Problems”, Warsaw, 2003
29. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Investigation of Furnace Processes in Power Steam Generators Based on CFD Simulation Tools, Int. Symposium ”Power Plants”, Vrnjacka Banja, 2004
30. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, P. Karaś: CFD/CTA Modelling Suggests Ways Towards Lower Emission From Pulverised Coal Combustion, International Symposium “Moving Towards Zero-Emission Plants”, Leptokarya Pieria, Greece, 2005
31. R. V. Filkoski, S. V. Belosevic, I. J. Petrovski, S. N. Oka, M. A. Sijercic: Two Approaches for Numerical Simulation of Processes in Systems for Pulverised Coal Combustion, in Transport Phenomena in Science and Technology 2005, v. 2, Proceedings of 5th Symposium of South East European Countries, J. Hristov (Ed.), Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2005, pp. 95-108
32. R. V. Filkoski: CFD Modelling of Processes and Optimisation of Energetic-Environmental Characteristics of Modern Boiler Plants, First International Course Computational Engineering, DAAD – Germany, Publ. by CERDECEN, Technical University of Sofia, P. Stankov (Editor), Pamporovo, Bulgaria, 2005, pp. 168-171
33. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Biomass as Energy Source in Local Conditions in Macedonia, 12th Symposium of the Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia and Montenegro “Energy, Efficiency, Ecology”, Sokobanja, 2005
34. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Power Generation and Environmental Issues: Some Japanese Experiences, Int. Symposium “Power Plants 2006”, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 2006
35. R.V.Filkoski, S.V.Belosevic, I.J.Petrovski, S.N.Oka, M.A.Sijercic: Computational Thermal Anaqlysis of Phenomena Occuring in Coal Fired Steam Generators, 10th International Conference on Boiler Technology, Gliwice-Szczyrk, 2006
36. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski:: Waste Biomass for Energy Purposes in Macedonia: Some Regional Aspects, 3rd Int. Congress ”Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Sources – Bioenergy Forum”, Sofia, 2007
37. R. V. Filkoski: Industry Overview and Possibilities for Implementation of CP Projects in Macedonia, UNIDO Workshop ”Supporting Tools for E&C European NCPCs”, St. Petersburg, 23-25 April, 2007
38. I.J.Petrovski, R.V.Filkoski: Options for Reactivation of 210 MWe Oil-Fired Power Plant, 13 Simposium of Thermal Engineers, Sokobanja, Serbia, 2007
39. R.V.Filkoski, I.J.Petrovski: Energy Sector – Industrial Energy Transformations and Heating, Workshop for presentation of the study on mitigation of GHG emission, MANU-UNDP, Skopje, November 2007
40. R.V.Filkoski, I.J.Petrovski, B.S.Avramovska: Industrial and Low-Temperature Energy Transformations: Some GHG Emission Mitigation Options in Macedonia, Conference “Sustainable Development and Climate Changes SUSTAINNIS 2008”, Nis, Serbia, 2008
41. R.V.Filkoski, I.J.Petrovski, B.S.Avramovska: Energy Transformations and GHG Emission Mitigation Options in Macedonia, International Conference “Power Plants 2008”, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 2008
42. R.V.Filkoski: Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in Industry, 5th International Summer School “Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in SE Europe”, REIC – Sarajevo, Fojnica, B&H, 2009
43. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, A. T. Nospal, V. M. Stojkovski: Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in Industry and Services, 14 Simposium of Thermal Engineers, Sokobanja, Serbia, 2009
44. R.V. Filkoski: Renewable Energy Sources: Greenhouse Gases Emission Mitigation Potential in the SE European Countries, WFEO Int. Eng. Congress “Alternative Energy Applications, Option or Necessity?”, Kuwait, 2009
45. R.V. Filkoski: The Power of Energy Efficiency, Purdue Session “Global Engineering Challenges”, WFEO Int. Eng. Congress “Alternative Energy Applications, Option or Necessity?”, Kuwait, 2009
46. R.V. Filkoski, I.J. Petrovski, M. Ginovska, H. Borchsenius: A Case Study of Energy recovery in Ferro-Alloys Industry, II Regional Conference IEEP ’10, Zlatibor, Serbia, 2010
47. B. Stanojevska, R. V. Filkoski: The Power of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving, Graduate Student Conference: Implementing Energy Efficiency through Renewable Energy Solutions, Analytica - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Skopje, June 2010
48. R.V. Filkoski, I.J. Petrovski, I. Janev: A Case Study of Energy Management Improvement in Concrete Products Industry, II Conference “Sustainable Development and Climate Changes SUSTAINNIS 2010”, Nis, Serbia, 2010
49. L.J. Bureska, R.V. Filkoski, I.J. Petrovski: Possible actions on boilers in TPP Bitola for reduction of NOx emission, International Symposium ZEMAK 2010, Ohrid, 2010
50. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski, L. J. Bureska, D.J. Tashevski: Advanced Computational Methods for Complex Simulation of Pulverised-Coal Combustion with Staged Air Introduction, International Symposium ZEMAK 2010, Ohrid, 2010
51. D. J. Tashevski, R. V. Filkoski: Trigeneration power plants for complex buildings, International Symposium ZEMAK 2010, Ohrid, 2010
52. R. V. Filkoski, L. J. Bureska, I. J. Petrovski: Advanced Numerical Methods for Investigation of Energy Conversion Processes, International Symposium “Power Plants 2010”, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 2010
53. R. V. Filkoski: Energy efficiency and cleaner production – some experiences in Macedonia, Seminar “Promotion of the CP concept”, JICA Project, Skopje, 2010
54. E. Popovic, V. V. Strezov, R. V. Filkoski, P. Shah: Bio-gas, bio-oil and biochar production from pyrolysis of tobacco waste, Bioenergy Australia 2010 Conference, Sidney, 2010
55. R. V. Filkoski: Energy efficiency in industry and services - Its real potential, Workshop “Opportunities for financing energy efficiency projects in Macedonia”, Norsk Energi and Centre for Climate Changes – MK, Skopje, 1 February 2011
56. Armenski S., Filkoski R.V., Modern technologies for utilization of geothermal energy and its influence to the environment, In “Geothermal energy in Macedonia – Kochani depression”, Published by the Municipality of Kochani, Patron: President of RM, Kochani, 2011. Published also in Presing, Journal of the Chamber of authorised architects and engineers of Macedonia, ISSN1857-744X, No. 3, 2011, pp.5-15
57. Filkoski R.V., Popovic E., Strezov V., Experimental study of product composition during slow pyrolysis processing of tobacco residues, 7th International Conference on Biomass for Energy, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2011
58. Lazarov D., Stanojevska B., Filkoski R.V., Petrovski I.J., A case study of fuel switch from light oil to biomass for public building heating, 7th International Conference on Biomass for Energy, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2011
59. Filkoski R. V., Past and present research activities on combustion at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Skopje, ACH Combustion Meeting, Zagreb, 2012
60. Filkoski R.V., Bureska L.J., Petrovski I.J., Improvement of combustion efficiency of pulverised coal with under-fire air introduction, 7th International Conference On Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems SDEWES 2012, Ohrid, 2012, ISSN 1847-7186
61. Filkoski R.V., Petrovski I. J., Stanojevska B., Utilisation of vineyard pruning residues for centralised heating of public buildings, 5th International Mechanical Engineering Forum IMEF 2012, Prague, 2012
62. Filkoski R. V., Bureska L.J., Petrovski I. J., CFD as research, educational and design tool in energy and environmental engineering, 5th International Mechanical Engineering Forum IMEF 2012, Prague, 2012
63. Mikulčić H., Markovska N., Vujanović M., Filkoski R. V., Ban M., Duić N., Potential for CO2 emission reduction in the cement industry, 7th Int. Conf. On Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems SDEWES 2012, Ohrid, 2012, ISSN 1847-7186
64. Filkoski R. V., Petrovski I. J., Radivchev J., Mladenovska D., Energy efficiency and environmental aspects of power plants cooling towers modernisation, Int. Symposium “Energetics 2012” Ohrid, 2012
65. Filkoski R.V., Petrovski I.J., Stanojevska B., Some observations on the possibility of using wine twigs for energy needs, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection SEEP 2013, pp. 418-426, Maribor, Slovenia, 20-23 August 2013, (ISBN 978-961-248-379-1)
66. Filkoski R.V., Stojkovski F., Stojkovski V., A CFD study of a solar chimney power plant operation, Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection SEEP 2013, pp. 631-636, Maribor, Slovenia, 20-23 August 2013, (ISBN 978-961-248-379-1)
67. Filkoski R. V., The smart energy concept: the demand side potential, Workshop on Smart Grids and Power Highways for the Enlarged Europe: Assessing the Challenges, Organized by European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport, Petten, 18-20 September 2013, Antalya
68. Mikulcic H., Vujanovic M., Markovska N., Filkoski R., Ban M., Duic N., CO2 Emission Reduction in the Cement Industry, 16th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES’13, 29 September – 2 October, Rhodes, Greece, 2013
69. Filkoski R. V., Experiences on the feasibility of the utilisation of vineyard and vine-culture residues for energy purposes, Symposium: Biomass solutions for LCP and traffic in Adria region - R&D and application, Adria Section of International Combustion Institute, Sarajevo, 2014
70. Filkoski R.V., Chekerovska (Shumanska) M., Experimental and numerical study of a flat-plate solar energy collector performance, Proceedings of 7th Int. Conf. on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection SEEP 2014, Dubai, 23-25 November, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-903978-49
71. Filkoski R.V., Petrovski I. J., Research on the possibility of using agriculture biomass residues for energy purposes, Proceedings of 7th Int. Conf. on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection SEEP 2014, Dubai, 23-25 November, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-903978-49
72. Bunjaku F., Sahiti N., Filkoski R. V., Analysis of velocity and temperature profiles across vertical flat surface of radiators during natural convection, 19h International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2015, Barcelona, 22-23 July 2015
73. Chekerovska M., Filkoski R. V., Comparative analysis of solar-tracking and moving solar collector efficiency, 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems SDEWES 2015, Dubrovnik, September 2015
74. Chekerovska M., Filkoski R. V., Research of Fixed and Solar-Tracking Liquid Flat-Plate Collector with Experimental and Mathematical Approach, International Conference and Workshop REMOO 2015 "Technological, Modelling and experimental Achievements in Energy generation Systems", Budva, Montenegro, 23-24 September 2015
75. Stojkovski F., Chekerovska M., Filkoski R. V., Stojkovski V., Numerical Modelling of a Solar Chimney Power Plant, Int. Conference REMOO 2015 "Technological, Modelling and experimental Achievements in Energy generation Systems", Budva, Montenegro, 23-24 September 2015
76. Krasniqi D., Filkoski R. V., Krasniqi F., An approach towards thermal power plants efficiency analysis by use of exergy method, International Conference and Workshop REMOO 2015 "Technological, Modelling and experimental Achievements in Energy generation Systems", Budva, Montenegro, 23-24 September 2015
77. Filkoski R. V., Krasniqi D. A., Performance analysis of coal-fired utility steam generator based on exergy method, Adria - Danube Combustion Meeting, ADCM 2016, Wiener Neustadt, 7-8 April 2016
78. Filkoski R. V., Petrovski I. J., Combustion in shaft kiln and waste heat recovery, Adria - Danube Combustion Meeting, ADCM 2016, Wiener Neustadt, 7-8 April 2016
79. Filkoski R. V., Krasniqi D., Krasniqi F., Exergy analysis of coal-fired utility boiler performance, Int. Conf. REMOO 2016 "Science and Engineering for Reliable Energy", Budva, 18-20 May, 2016
80. Filkoski R. V., Chekerovska M., Bunjaku F., Research and education in thermal and power engineering with support of CFD technology, Int. Conf. REMOO 2016 "Science and Engineering for Reliable Energy", Budva, 18-20 May, 2016
81. Krasniqi D., Filkoski R. V., Krasniqi F., The role of exergy in thermodynamic analyses, International Conference REMOO 2016 "Science and Engineering for Reliable Energy", Budva, 18-20 May, 2016
82. Strezov V., Filkoski R.V., Domazetovska S., Kan T., Popovic E., Pyrolysis of biomass processing waste - study of products composition, 8th European Combustion Meeting ECM 2017, Dubrovnik, April 18-21, 2017
83. Filkoski R.V., Petrovski I.J., Investigation of the possibility of wine twigs utilisation in hot-water boilers, 8th European Combustion Meeting ECM 2017, Dubrovnik, April 18-21, 2017
84. Bunjaku F., Filkoski R.V., Markov Z., Sahiti N., Energy efficiency optimisation of finned heat exchanging surfaces, Int. Conf. SDEWES 2017, Dubrovnik, 4-8 October 2017
85. Krasniqi Alidema D., Filkoski R. V., Krasniqi M., Performance analysis of coal-fired power plant based on the exergy method, Int. Conf. SDEWES 2017, Dubrovnik, 4-8 October 2017
86. Filkoski R.V., Petrovski I.J., Gjurchinovski, Z., Optimisation of combustion and technology process in a vertical shaft kiln, Int. Conf. SDEWES 2017, Dubrovnik, 4-8 October 2017
87. Domazetovska S., Strezov V., Kan T., Filkoski R. V., Thermal behaviour processes of different biomass materials under slow pyrolysis conditions, Int. Conf. Renewable Energy Sources - Research and Business (RESERB) 2017, Wroclaw, 19-21 June 2017
88. Filkoski R.V., Tashevski D.J., Shesho I.K., Dimitrovski D.M., Armenski S., Stojevski D., A model for techno-economic optimisation and environmental sustainability of the heating structure in an urban area, VI Regional Conference "Industrial energy and environmental protection" IEEP'17, Zlatibor, Serbia, 2017
89. Domazetovska S., Strezov V., Filkoski R. V., Kan T., Assessment of thermal processing behaviour of corn cob, vine rod and sunflower, Int. Symp. SIMTERM 2017, Sokobanja, Serbia, October 2017
90. Krasniqi M., Filkoski R. V., Krasniqi Alidema D., Tashevski D., Hiseni D., Options for efficiency enhancement and NOx emission reduction of utility coal-fired steam generator, 3rd International Conference GREDIT 2018, Skopje, 22-25 March 2018
91. Filkoski R. V., Gjurchinovski Z., Emission reduction by efficiency improvement of shaft kiln in mineral processing industry, 3rd International Conference GREDIT 2018, Skopje, 22-25 March 2018
92. Hiseni D., Tashevski D., Filkoski R. V., Study of Energy Efficiency and Implementation Measures in Public Buildings, 3rd International Conference GREDIT 2018, Skopje, 22-25 March 2018
93. Domazetovska S., Strezov V., Filkoski R. V., Kan T., Analysis of agricultural biomass waste material aimed for energy utilisation, 3rd SE European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES SEE2018), Novi Sad, June 30-July 3, 2018
94. Lazarevikj M., Filkoski R. V., CFD analysis of heat transfer and fluid flow in plate heat exchanger with nanofluid, 3rd SE European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES SEE2018), Novi Sad, June 30-July 3, 2018
95. Krasniqi M., Filkoski R.V., Krasniqi Alidema D., Assessment of opportunities for NOx reduction from lignite-fired steam generator, 14th Conf. SDEWES 2019, Dubrovnik, October 1-6, 2019
96. Kitanovski D., Lazarevska A.M., Mladenovska D., Filkoski R.V., Steam system optimisation of an industrial heat and power generation facility, 14th Conf. SDEWES 2019, Dubrovnik, October 1-6, 2019
97. Shesho I.K., Tashevski D.J., Filkoski R.V., Heat transfer between heated, partially heated and non-heated residential units in buildings, Conference "Sustainability in the built environment for climate change mitigation" SBE19, Thessaloniki, 23-25 October, 2019
98. Hyseni D., Tashevski D.J., Filkoski R.V., Shesho I.K., Energy efficiency in complex buildings, Conference "Sustainability in the built environment for climate change mitigation" SBE19, Thessaloniki, 23-25 October, 2019
99. Hoxha B., Filkoski R.V., Wind shear coefficient and its effect on energy production for Kitka wind farm, 5th Conf. Renewable Energy Sources - Research and Business RESRB 2020, Brussels, 7-8 September 2020
100. Bylykbashi B., Filkoski R.V., Energy analysis of thermal collectors with working medium water and air, 5th Conf. Renewable Energy Sources - Research and Business RESRB 2020, Brussels, 7-8 September 2020
101. Filkoski R.V., Exergy-based assessment of shaft kiln efficiency, 6th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering CPOTE 2020, 21-24 September 2020, Krakow
102. Krasniqi M., Filkoski R.V., Krasniqi Alidema D., Evaluation of some primary measures for reduction of NOx emission from lignite-fired steam generator, 6th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering CPOTE 2020, 21-24 September 2020, Krakow
103. Shesho I., Filkoski R., Tashevski D., Uler-Zefikj M., Assessment for the potential of increasing the renewable energy share into district heating system by integration of decentralized solar assisted heating systems, XXXVI International Symposium "Energetics 2021", Zlatibor, 22-25 June 2021
104. Hoxha Bukurije, Filkoski Risto V., Role of Wind Turbines Spacing in a Non-regular Wind Farm, Case Koznica, 9th Global Conference on Global Warming (GCGW-2021), Zagreb (virtual conference), August 1-4, 2021
105. Bylykbashi Blerina, Filkoski Risto V., Comparative Performance Analysis of Conventional and Thin-Film PV Panels for Kosovo Conditions, 9th Global Conference on Global Warming (GCGW-2021), Zagreb (virtual conference), August 1-4, 2021
106. Hoxha Bukurije, Filkoski Risto V., Preliminary Analysis of Energy Yield of Wind Farms in the Context of Seasonal Changes, 16th SDEWES Conference, Dubrovnik 2021
107. Bylykbashi Blerina, Filkoski Risto V., Energy Analysis and Advantages of Using Solar Thin-film PV Panels in Kosovo Climate Conditions, 16th SDEWES Conference, Dubrovnik 2021
108. Risto Vasil Filkoski, Petar Sabev Varbanov, Hrvoje Mikulčić, Second Law Efficiency Assessment of a Vertical Kiln for Refractory Material Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Brno, CZ, 31 October – 3 November 2021
1. A. Nospal, S. Oka, T. Bundalevski, I. Petrovski, Z. Kostic, R. Filkoski, V. Stojkovski: Mathematical and Experimental Modelling of Flow Processes and Combustion in Fluidised Bed, Scientific-research project financed by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Macedonia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 1995-97
2. I. J. Petrovski, A. Nospal, R. V. Filkoski et al.: Investigation of Thermal and Environmental Performances of Modern Boiler Plants – Mathematical and Experimental Modelling, Scientific project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of R. of Macedonia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2000-2003
3. Group of authors (R. Filkoski, participant): Environmental Friendly Energy for Teteks – Tetovo, Project under the Netherlands Programme for Cooperation with Countries in Eastern Europe, PSO, 2000-2003
4. A. Nospal, T. Bundalevski, S. Oka, Z. Kostic, I. Petrovski, V. Stojkovski, R. Filkoski et al.: Methods for Rational Utilisation of Fluidised Bed Plants, Scientific project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of R. of Macedonia, Skopje, 2000-2003
5. Group of authors (R. V. Filkoski, participant): Thermal Power Plant ”Negotino” with Coal-Fired Boiler, Feasibility study, CDF Ingenierie, Freyming Merlebach, France, 2004
6. Z. Kostic, M. Ilic, A. Nospal, I. Petrovski, L. Trajkovski, V. Stojkovski, R. Filkoski: Fluidized Bed Combustion of Wood and Agriculture Wastes and Coal, project in the framework of the Programme for international scientific-technical cooperation, co-finansed by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje and Ministry of Science of Serbia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, Institute Vinca, Serbia, 2004-2005
7. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Utilisation of Waste Wood for Energy Purposes in a Furniture Production Factory, Research-development project co-financed by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2005-2006
8. M. Kosevski (Project coordinator), R. V. Filkoski (participant): Introduction of Complex Modelling Systems in Industrial Engineering High Education and Continuous Training of SME Professionals, PHARE Multilateral Tempus JEP-13571, 1998-2001
9. M. Kosevski (Project coordinator), R. V. Filkoski (participant): Numerical Simulation Program in Mechanical Engineering, Tempus CARDS JEP-19017, 2005-2008
10. A. Tuneski (Project coordinator), R. V. Filkoski (participant): Development of Environmental Resources Engineering Curriculum (DEREC), Tempus CARDS JEP-19028, 2005-2008
11. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski, A. Nospal et al.: Investigation and Optimisation of Thermal Processes in Energy Devices and Plants with the Numerical Thermal Analysis Technique, Scientific-research project fin. by the Min. of Science of the RM, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2006-2009
12. A. T. Nospal, V. Stojkovski, Z. Kostic, I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski, Z. Markov et al.: Application of CFD and CAX Technologies for Flow Processes in Power Engineering, Scientific-research project fin. by the Ministry of Education and Science of the RM, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2006-2009
13. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Energy efficiency improvement and waste heat utilisation in the process of hydro-thermal treatment of pre-stressed concrete products, Technology development project co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of RM, Skopje, 2010-2012
14. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Energy efficiency improvement and waste heat utilisation in bitumen processing, Technology development project co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of RM, Skopje, 2010-2012
15. Belosevic, Filkoski et al.: Increase in energy and ecological efficiency of processes in pulverized coal-fired furnace and optimization of utility steam boiler air pre-heater by using in-house developed software tools, Scientific research project (No. TR-33018), Vincha Institute, Belgrade, 2011-2014
16. Tashevski D.J., Filkoski R.V., et al., Defining a techno-economically optimal and ecologically sustainable structure for heating and implementing a centralized supply of sanitary hot water to the city of Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, MACEF, Skopje, 2017
(Ташевски Д., Филкоски Р., Арменски С., Шешо И., Димитровски Д., Димитров К., Дефинирање на техно-економски оптимална и еколошки одржлива структура за греење и имплементирање на централизирано снабдување со санитарна топла вода на градот Скопје, Машински факултет, МАЦЕФ, Скопје, 2017)
17. Tashevski D., Filkoski R. V., Shesho I., Analysis of heat transfer between heated and non-heated residential units, University "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2018
18. Filkoski R.V., Stojanovski F., Stanojevska Pecurovska B., Energy audit and energy efficiency of administrative and laboratory buildings, USJE Cement Plant TITAN, Center for Climate Change, Skopje, 2018-2019
19. Sheso I., Filkoski R. V., Tashevski D. J., Uler-Zefikj M., Techno-economic and environmental analysis of the potential for implementation of renewable energy sources in a central heating system in an urban environment, Ss Cyril and Methodius Univesity, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2019-2020
20. Filkoski R. V., Stanojevska Pecurovska B., Stojanovski F., Uler-Zefikj M., Comparative analysis of energy effects and emissions when using conventional and alternative sources of energy in cement industry, Center for Climate Change, Skopje, 2021
1. I. Petrovski, I. Cerepnalkovski, M. Sharevski, R. Filkoski: Rekonstrukcija na termoenergetskite postrojki i instalacii vo fabrikata „Kiro Fetak” – Kumanovo, ideen i glaven proekt, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 1990
2. I. Petrovski, I. Cerepnalkovski, M. Sharevski, R. Filkoski: Rekonstrukcija na termoenergetskite postrojki i instalacii vo RO „Biljana” - Ohrid, ideen proekt, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 1990
3. R. V. Filkoski: Fluidised Bed Combustion Boiler Plants, Internal report, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 1992 (65 pages)
4. R. V. Filkoski: Steam Boilers and the Environment, Sem. work, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 1992 (70 pages)
5. I. Petrovski, R. Filkoski: Analiza na rezultatite od izvrsenite merenja na kotelot OB-380 vo TEC „Oslomej” – Kicevo, za vreme na godisniot remont vo 1994 god., so zaklucoci i preporaki, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 1994
6. I. Petrovski, G. Gavrilovski, R. Filkoski: Programa za merenja i ispituvanje na grejnite povrsini i noseckata konstrukcija na kotelot G32/2 vo JP ESM, Podruznica „Energetika” – Skopje, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 1997
7. I. Petrovski, G. Gavrilovski, R. Filkoski: Analiza na rezultatite od ispituvanjata na grejnite povrsini i noseckata konstrukcija na kotelot G32/2 vo JP ESM, Podruznica „Energetika” – Skopje, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 1997
8. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Ekspertiza za eksplozija na kotel vo DPTU „Inter-Elas”, Strumica, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 2004
9. I. J. Petrovski, M. Sarevski, R. V. Filkoski: Ekspertiza za eksplozija na elektricen paren kotel vo DOO „Stefanos Niakas”, Prilep, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 2004
10. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Energy from Biomass in the Municipalities of Berovo, Gevgelija and Struga, Inception Report, UNDP Programme “Local Governance for Sustainable Human and Economic Development”, Skopje, 2005
11. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Validation Report – Preparation of GHG Inventory for the Second National Communication Under UNFCCC – Energy Sector, UNDP-GEF, Skopje, 2005
12. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Rational Utilisation of Waste Wood Biomass for Energy Purposes, project fin. by the APPRM and GTZ programme for the technology transfer, Skopje, 2005-2006
13. I. J. Petrovski, M. Sarevski, R. V. Filkoski: Ekspertiza za potrosuvacka na gorivo vo kasarnata “Ilinden” - Skopje, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 2006
14. R. V. Filkoski, I. J. Petrovski: Report on Data Gaps in the Second GHG Inventory and Measures for Enhancement the Quality of Future Inventories, UNDP-GEF, Skopje, 2006
15. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Sogleduvanja i preporaki za sostojbata na novovgradenata oprema vo kotlarnicite vo oranzeriite “Trnka” - Bogdanci, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 2007
16. I. J. Petrovski, R. V. Filkoski: Metodologija za kontrolna presmetka na bruto stepenot na korisnost na vrelovodnite kotli vo “Toplifikacija” A.D. - Skopje, Masinski fakultet, Skopje, 2007
17. ICEIM MANU (M. Azievska – project coord., R.V. Filkoski – member of the expert team), GHG Abatement Analysis in Macedonia, Final report, Skopje, 2008
18. ICEIM MANU (M. Azievska – project coord., R.V. Filkoski – member of the expert team), Second National Communication on Climate Change, Monographic publication, MOEPP, ICEIM-MANU, Skopje, 2008, ISBN 978-9989-110-68-9
19. I.J.Petrovski, R.V. Filkoski: Improvement of the Energy Efficiency in the Hydro-Thermal Wood Processing in a Factory for Wooden Products and Furniture, Technology development project supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the R. Macedonia, Skopje, 2007-2008
20. R. V. Filkoski: CP Assessment Report “Karpos Factory, Skopje” – Energy Management, UNIDO Cleaner Production Programme 2007-2008, National Cleaner Production Centre – MK, Skopje, 2008
21. R. V. Filkoski: CP Assessment Report “JZU UKC - Skopje” – Energy Management, UNIDO CP Programme 2007-2008, National Cleaner Production Centre – MK, Skopje, 2008
22. R. V. Filkoski: CP Assessment Report “Bomex Refractory - Pehcevo” – Energy Management, UNIDO CP Programme 2007-2008, National Cleaner Production Centre – MK, Skopje, 2008
23. R. V. Filkoski: CP Assessment Report “MZT Hepos - Skopje” – Energy Management, UNIDO CP Programme 2007-2008, National Cleaner Production Centre – MK, Skopje, 2008
24. Cundeva S., Ginovska M., Filkoski R., CP Assessment Report for VIPRO DOOEL Gevgelija, National Cleaner Production Centre – MK, Skopje, 2008
25. Group of authors (R.V. Filkoski, participant), Implementation plan for the energy efficiency strategy of the Republic of Macedonia, E&E regional energy security and market development project, Prepared with USAID funding by MACEF, TimelProekt, Alliance to Save Energy and IRG, Skopje, 2010
26. *** (R.V. Filkoski et al.): “Cleaner and More Effective Industry in Macedonia”, 2009-2012, Norsk Energi, Project funded by the Government of Kingdom of Norway
27. *** (R.V. Filkoski et al.): Modernisation of cooling towers in TPP Bitola, Programme “Cleaner and more effective industry in Macedonia”, Norsk Energi and CCC, 2010-11
28. *** (R.V. Filkoski et al.): TPP Bitola –Bitola district heating with thermal energy from TPP Bitola, Programme “Cleaner and more effective industry in Macedonia”, Norsk Energi and CCC, 2010-11
29. *** (R.V. Filkoski et al.): Energy efficiency in OHIS AD - Skopje, Programme “Cleaner and more effective industry in Macedonia”, Norsk Energi and CCC, 2010-11
30. *** (R.V. Filkoski et al.): Kavadarci municipality – Biomass: Grape pruning residues for energy, Programme “Cleaner and more effective industry in Macedonia”, Norsk Energi and CCC, 2010-11
31. *** (K. Dimitrov, R.V. Filkoski et al.): Europe and Eurasia energy security and market development program: Implementation plan for energy efficiency improvement, MACEF, USAID, Skopje, 2010-2011
32. *** (K. Dimitrov, R.V. Filkoski et al.): EMEEES, MACEF, USAID, Skopje, 2011
33. Р. В. Филкоски, Д. Ј. Ташевски: Технички извештај од извршените анализи и пресметки на функционалноста и енергетската ефикасност на електричен уред за воздушно греење, Машински факултет, Скопје, 2011
(R. V. Filkoski, D. J. Tashevski, Technical report from analysis and calculation on the functionality and energy efficiency of the electricity appliance for air heating, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2011)
34. Д. Ј. Ташевски, Р. В. Филкоски: Воздушно греење на ОУ „Милто Гура“, О. Осломеј, главен машински проект, Машински факултет, Скопје, 2011
(D. J. Tashevski, R. V. Filkoski, Project for air heating system of PS “Milto Gura”, Oslomej, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2011)
35. *** (R.V. Filkoski et al.): Energy efficiency assessment in Socotab - Bitola, Programme “Cleaner and more effective industry in Macedonia”, Norsk Energi and CCC, 2011-12
36. *** (R.V. Filkoski et al.): Energy efficiency improvement opportunities in Vardar Dolomite - Gostivar, Programme “Cleaner and more effective industry in Macedonia”, Norsk Energi and CCC, 2011-12
37. Petrovski I. J., Filkoski R. V., Improvement of energy efficiency and environmental parameters of the operation of a boiler plant on thermal oil (BIM - Sv. Nikole), Technology development project, co-fin. by the Min. of Science of RM, Skopje 2011-2012
38. Filkoski R. V., Petrovski I. J., Improvement of the energy efficiency in processes of thermal treatment of concrete products (Factory Karpos AD), Technology development project, co-fin. by the Min. of Science of RM, Skopje 2011-2012
39. Tashevski D., Filkoski R.V. et al., Technical report on hot-water boiler explosion in “Cevahir Residence and Mall Project – Skopje”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 180 pages (Ташевски Д., Филкоски Р., Димитровски Д., Шешо И., Технички извештај за хаваријата на топловоден котел на ТНГ сместен во објектот “Cevahir Residence and Mall Project – Skopje”, Машински факултет, Скопје, 2013)
40. Filkoski R.V., Tashevski D., Armenski S., Markov Z., Technical report on power plant hot start issue, gas turbine technical problem, latent and other deffects in TE-TO AD Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 200 pages
(Филкоски Р., Ташевски Д., Арменски С., Марков З., Експертиза за неможност за врел старт, технички проблем на гасната турбина, латентни и други несанирани дефекти при монтажа и пуштање во работа на ТЕ-ТО АД Скопје, Машински факултет, Скопје, 2013)
41. Група автори, Студија за оцена на влијанието врз животната средина и социо-економски аспекти (ESIA) на проектот за модернизација на ТЕЦ Осломеј, Осломеј, Инвеститор: Електрани на Македонија (ЕЛЕМ) АД, Скопје, април, 2014
42. Group of authors (Filkoski et al.), Improving Energy Management at Macedonian Industry – IEM@MI, Implemented by CSO “Center for Climate Change” – Skopje, Project financially supported by The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade, 2014
43. Group of authors (Markov Z., Popovski P. Armenski S., Filkoski R. et al.), Consultancy services to ELEM (Power Plants of Macedonia), Skopje, R. of Macedonia, 2013-2016
44. Group of authors (Tashevski D., Filkoski R. et al.), Technical report, prepared for Balkan Energy group (BEG), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2014
45. Petrovski I., Armenski S., Filkoski R. V.,, Technical Report - abrasion of heat exchanging surfaces of the superheater KPP 2 of the steam generator of Unit w in TPP Bitola, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2014
46. Technical report - Consultancy services to JSC Power Plants of Macedonia (AD ELEM), UKIM, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2014
47. Technical report - Consultancy services to JSC Power Plants of Macedonia (AD ELEM), UKIM, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2015
48. Group of authors (R.V. Filkoski - participant in the project), Study on the environmental impact assessment and socio-economic aspects of the project for modernisation of TPP Oslomej, Oslomej, FMES, 2015
49. Tashevski D., Filkoski R., Shesho I., Technical expertise for installation and functionality of heat pump type Olimpia Splendid - Sherpa 13 (OS-CEBCH48EI), intended for heating residential area of 140 m2, No. 10-2652/4, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2015
50. *** (Filkoski R. V. et al.), IPA Cross Border Programme CCI No. 2007CB16IPO007, Center for Climate Changes, Skopje, 2015-2016
51. *** (Filkoski R. V., participant as national expert), Catalyzing market transformation for industrial energy efficiency and accelerate investments in best available practices and technologies in the FYR Macedonia, REC - UNIDO, Skopje, 2015-2016
52. Стојковски В., Филкоски Р.В., Марков З., Експертиза за дополнителни трошоци за покривање на хидрауличните загуби за циркулација на водата во топлиноизменувачот во ТЕ-ТО, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Машински факултет, Скопје, 2016 (Stojkovski V., Filkoski R., Markov Z., Expertise for additional costs for covering the hydraulic losses for water circulation in the heat exchanger in CHP TE-TO, University "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, 2016)
53. Ташевски Д., Филкоски Р., Шешо И., Анализа на пренос на топлина помеѓу греени и негреени станбени единици, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Машински факултет, Скопје, 2018
54. Филкоски Р.В., Ташевски Д.Ј., Здравески Ф., Шешо И.К., Студија за проценка на преостанатиот работен век на WB котлите во ЕСМ, Подружница „Енергетика“ - Скопје, ЦИРКО, Машински факултет, Скопје, 2020 (Filkoski R.V., Tashevski D.J., Zdraveski F., Shesho I.K., Study on assessment of the residual technical lifetime of the WB boilers in ESM Energetika - Skopje, CIRKO, Faculty of Mechanical Enegineering, Skopje, 2020)
55. Consultancy services to ESM (Power Plants of R.N. Macedonia), Skopje, R. N. Macedonia, 2020-2022
56. Participation as an expert - evaluator of project proposals and projects from several programs of the European Commission: Intelligent Energy Europe, Horizon 2020, Tempus, Erasmus + etc., 2010 - present
1. R. V. Filkoski: Energy efficiency in industry and services - Its real potential, Workshop “Opportunities for financing energy efficiency projects in Macedonia”, Norsk Energi and Centre for Climate Changes – MK, Skopje, 1 February 2011
2. Филкоски Р. В., Енергетска ефикасност во индустријата - повеќекратни придобивки, Конференција на тема „Поттикнување на енергетската ефикасност во Република Македонија, Министерство за економија на Р. Македонија, Скопје, 12.09.2012
3. Серија работилници за енергетска ефикасност во индустријата, реализирани во рамките на проектот „Подобрување на енергетскиот менаџмент во македонската индустрија (Improving Energy Management at Macedonian Industry – IEM@MI, Implemented by CSO “Center for Climate Change” – Skopje, Project financially supported by The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade, 2014)
4. Обука за енергетски контролори за градежни објекти - досега се реализирани четири циклуси, 2014, 2015
5. Filkoski R. V., Seminar on energy efficiency and energy management practices in the companies from Southeast region of Macedonia, Needs, Barriers and Potentials for Realization of Energy Efficiency practices in SMEs, IPA Cross Border Programme CCI No. 2007CB16IPO007, Gevgelija, 3 June 2015
6. Steam System Optimisation - Users Training, 9-11 November 2015
7. Steam System Optimisation - Experts Training, 12-16 November 2015
8. Steam System Optimisation - Users Training, 8-9 November 2016
9. Training on Natural Gas Utilisation for Final Users, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, September, 2018