Филкоски Ристо

Academic ranks: 
Full time professor
Основни податоци
Contact info: 

Машински факултет,Карпош II б.б., П. фах 464, 1000 Скопје, Република Северна Македонија

+389 (0)2 3099 224
+389 (0)2 3099 298


Education, scientific disertations:

1989 - B.Sc. (Dipl. Eng., 5 years-10 semesters): “Energy efficiency analysis of a boiler plant in a textile industry”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Macedonia;

1997 - M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering: "Heat Transfer in Stationary Fluidised Bed Boiler Furnaces";

2004 - Ph.D. thesis "Modelling of Thermal Processes and Optimisation of Energetic-Environmental Characteristics of Modern Boiler Plants"


Present position:

Profеssor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Macedonia

Subjects at undergraduate study programmes: Thermodynamics, Boiler Plants, Energy Conversion Technologies, Processing Technique, Thermal Analysis with CFD

Subjects at MSc study programmes: Thermodynamics - selected chapters, Energy management, Boiler plants - selected chapters, Energy conversion processes, Clean energy technologies, Fuels and environment

Subjects at PhD programme: Modelling of energy conversion processes - Selected Chapters, Modelling of energy conversion processes and environmental impact


Other positions:

(1) Vice-President of the Adria Section of the Combustion Institute (ASCI) – regional section of the International Combustion Institute, 2013-
(2) Technical Coordinator of the UNIDO National Cleaner Production Centre, Macedonia, 2007-2008
(3) Member of the roster of experts for the National Communications of R. Macedonia under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change – Energy sector
(4) President of the Technical Committee 29 (Gas Appliances) of the Institute for Standardisation of R. Macedonia, 2007-2011
(5) Member of the Technical Committee 27 (Gas technique) of the 2 Institute for Standardisation of R. Macedonia, 2011-
(6) Member of the National Steering Committee of the Global Environment Facility SGP (GEF SGP), 2007-2012
(7) Evaluator of projects in the field of thermal energy and power enegineering in the programmes Intelligent Energy Europe, Horizon2020 (Energy programmes), Erasmus+
(8) Member of the Editorial Board of (Int. Journal) Thermal Science
(9) Reviewer of international scientific journals
(10) Member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of a number of international scientific conferences covering the areas of energy, thermal engineering and environmental issues


Reviewer, evaluator

a) Scientific journals
- Energy, Applied Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering; Journal of Cleaner Production, Renewable Energy (Elsevier), Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier)
- Proceedings of the Inst. Of Mech. Engs: Int. Journal of Power and Energy, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Journal of Aerospace Engineering (SAGE Publishing, London);
- Thermal Science (International Scientific Journal);
- Energy&Fuels (Published by the American Chemical Society)
- other international journals

b) Evaluator of the project proposals for Intelligent Energy Europe, Horizon2020 (Energy programmes), Erasmus+ and other EU programmes


Fields of expertise:

Energy and environment, thermal and power engineering, energy efficiency in industry, public and services sectors


Professional and research specialization:

- Modelling of thermal processes (combustion and heat transfer) in steam and hot-water boilers and industrial furnaces; computational fluid dynamics and computational thermal analysis (CFD/CTA); combustion technologies; fluidised beds; advanced techniques in thermal engineering;
- Energy management and energy auditing; energy efficiency and environmental issues in thermal power generation; industrial energy efficiency and pollution prevention; air pollution control including greenhouse gases (GHG) control;
- Renewable energy sources: biomass and solar energy
- Consulting, engineering, design of thermal engineering systems (boiler plants; steam and hot-water systems, industrial furnaces, combustion etc.); energy efficiency and energy saving; energy auditing


Study stays, visits and trainings:

- ZPO "Gracja" (Process engineering), Lublin, Poland (1988)
- REK "Bitola", (Thermal Power Plant), Bitola, Macedonia (1990);
- Institute "Vinca", Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy, Belgrade, Serbia (1992, 1996, 1997, 2002);
- CFD in Thermal Engineering Course, Fluent Italia Srl, Milano, Italy (2000);
- "RAFAKO" SA, Boiler Engineering Company, Raciborz, Poland (study stays and technical visits in 1994, 1995, 1997, 2003);
- Energy Management (3 months), JICA KIC Kitakyushu, Japan (2006);
- UNIDO NCPC Advanced Management Training, Semmering, Austria, 2007;
- Vrije University, Department of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 3 Brussels, Belgium (2006, 2009)
- Bochum University, Bochum, Germany (2007)
- Zagreb University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia (techn. visits 2012, 2013, 2016, 2018)
- Tubitak Marmara Research Centre, Istanbul, Turkey (2013)
- Vienna Technical University, Research Centre Wienner Neustadt, 2016



- about 30 papers in international scientific and professional journals
- over 100 articles presented at international congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars and other scientific and technical meetings
- about 70 scientific-research projects, applicative projects, studies, professional works, expertises etc.
- textbooks, publications for teaching purposes, brochures


Membership - international conferences scientific and advisory boards

Kuwait 2009, SDEWES-2012, -2013, -2015, -2017, RESRB-2017-2020 Wroclaw-Brussels, ECM-2017 Dubrovnik, IEEP 2017 Zlatibor, Serbia


Foreign languages:

English, South-Slavic languages (Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian), Polish, Russian


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Contact Us

University "St. Cyril and Methodius"

Faculty of Mechanical engineering - Skopje
Karpos II bb
1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Tel:+ 389 2 3099-200
Fax:+ 389 2 3099-298

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