1. Tuneski A., Vukobratovic M., "Contribution to the Adaptive Control of Multiple Compliant Manipulation on Dynamic Environments", Robotica, Vol.17, 1999, pp.97-109. 2. Tuneski A., Vukobratovic M, Dimirovski G., "Adaptive Control of Multiple Robots Manipulation on Dynamical Environment", Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, UK, 2000. 3. Tuneski A., Vukobratovic M, Dimirovski G., "Adaptive Coordinating Control of Multiple Manipulators for Tasks in Contact with Dynamic Environment Situations", European Control Conference ECC-1999, Seccion AM-11, 31.August-3.September, 1999, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp.645-653. 4. Tuneski A., Vukobratovic M.,"Adaptive Control of Multiple Compliant Manipulation on Dynamical Environment", 14-th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control, Beijing, P.R.China, July 5-9, 1999, pp. 549-555. 5. Tuneski A., Rafajlovski G., "Adaptive Control of Multiple Robots in Contact Tasks", Proc. 4-th International Conference on Design to Manufacture in Modern Industry - DMMI'99, Podcetrtek, Slovenia, 20-22 September, , 1999, pp. 287-294 6. Tuneski A., Rafajlovski G., "Adaptive Control of Multiple Robots Manipulation on Dynamical Environment", Proc. 7-th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation ETFA'99, Barcelona, Spain, 20-22 October, 1999, pp. 825-834. 7. Tuneski A., Vukobratovic M.,"Modeling and Adaptive Control of Multiple Manipulators Interacting with Dynamic Environment", Tenth World Congress on the Theory of machines and Mechanisms, Oulu, Finland, June 20-24, 1999. 8. A.I.Tuneski, M.K.Vukobratovic, and G.M.Dimirovski, "Adaptive Control of Multiple Robots Manipuulation on a Dynamical Environment", Journal of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 215, Part I, pp.385-404, 2001. 9. D.Babunski, A.Tuneski, "Transient Response Characteristics of Semiactive Damping with Fuzzy Logic Controller", IFAC Workshop DECOM-TT, 2001, Ohrid, Macedonia. 10. D.Babunski, A.Tuneski, "Implementation of Algorithms for Direct Digital Control", Proceedings of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.20, No.1, pp.11-18, Skopje, 2001. 11. E.Zaev, A.Tuneski, , "Analysis of SCADA-system Performances", Proceedings of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.20, No.1, pp.37-44, Skopje, 2001.