1. В. Дуковски, З. Пандилов, Д. Ристевски: Некои аспекти на примената на AutoCAD во конструкцијата на специјални алатни машини. Зборник на трудови бр.9-Машински факултет, Скопје, стр.51-61, 1990.
2. Љ. Дудески, З. Пандилов: Персоналните компјутери-средство за автоматизација на технолошките системи. Семинар на тема “Иновации во одделни теми во машинските предмети”, Педагошки завод на Македонија, Скопје,1991. Семинарски материјал (стручно професионално образование).
3. З. Пандилов, В.Дуковски, Љ. Дудески: Градба на погони за главно движење кај металорезачките машини со нумеричко управување. Зборник на трудови бр.10-Машински факултет -Скопје, стр.159-170, 1991.
4. З. Пандилов, В. Дуковски, Љ. Дудески: Компјутерско проектирање на главните погони кај нумерички управуваните (NC) металорезачки машини. Зборник на трудови на тематското советување “Сувремени трендови производног стројарства”. G49-G56, мај 1992, Загреб, Хрватска.
5. З. Пандилов, В. Дуковски, Љ. Дудески: Компјутерска програма за проектирање на главниот погон кај нумерички управуваните металорезачките машини. Зборник на трудови бр.11-Машински факултет-Скопје, стр.45-50, 1992.
6. V. Dukovski, Z. Pandilov: Computer Aided Design of NC Machine Tool Main Spindle Drives. Preprints of the IFAC-Workshop on A Cost Effective Use of Computer Aided Technologies and Integration Methods in a Small and Medium Sized Companies, CIM'92, September 7-8, 1992, Vienna, Austria, pp.57-64.
7. З. Пандилов: Компјутерско проектирање на регулираните погони кај нумерички управуваните металорезачки машини, Магистерска работа, Машински факултет, јануари 1993, Скопје.
8. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski, Lj. Dudeski: Computer Aided Design of Main Spindle and Feed Drives for NC Machine Tools. Preprints of Synopsis Papers of the 1st Balcan IFAC Conference on Applied Automatic Systems, 27-29 September, 1993, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, pp.73-74.
9. Z. Pandilov, V.Dukovski: Computer Aided Optimal Feed Drives Design for NC Machine Tools. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Production Engineering CIM'93, November, 1993, Zagreb, Croatia, H19-H26.
10. З. Пандилов, В. Дуковски, Љ. Дудески: Градба на погоните за помест кај металорезачките машини со нумеричко управување. Зборник на трудови бр.14 - Машински факултет - Скопје, стр.43-50, 1993.
11. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski, Lj. Dudeski: Computer aided design of drives for NC machine tools. Proceedings of 10th InternationalConference of Engineering Design, Praha, Czeh Republic, August 22-24, 1995, pp.1587-88.
12. З. Пандилов, В. Дуковски, Љ. Дудески: Компјутерски потпомогнат избор на серво-мотори во погоните за помест на металорезачките машини. Зборник на трудови-Машински факултет-Скопје, год.14, бр.1, стр.9-14 (1995).
13. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: One approach towards analytical calculation of the position loop gain for NC machine tools. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Production Engineering, CIM'95, 23/24 November 1995, Zagreb, Croatia, G77-G83.
14. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski, Lj. Dudeski: Computer programs for designing NC machine tool drives. II Konferencja Naukowa" Komputerowe Wspomaganie Prac Inzynierskich", Szklarska Poreba, 7-8.12.1995, Poland, Proceedings of the Conference, pp.265-271.
15. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski, Lj. Dudeski: Application of the Contisure system for Optimizing Contouring Accuracy of CNC Milling Machine. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, AMST’96, Udine, Italy, pp.669-676. Published in: E. Kuljanic (Ed.) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Tecnology, CISM Courses and Lectures No.372, Springer Verlag, Wien New York, 1996.
16. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski, Lj. Dudeski: Analytical calculationof the position loop gain for CNC machine tools. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of Production Engineering.Podgorica-Budva, 17-20 September 1996, Montenegro, Yugoslavia, pp.757-762.
17. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski, Lj. Dudeski: Application of CONTISURE system in assesing the contouring accuracy of CNC machine tools. Proceedings, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, Vol.14, No.2, pp.93-100 (1995).
18. З. Пандилов: Моделирање и анализа на погоните за помест кај нумерички управуваните металорезачки машини, Докторска дисертација, Машински факултет-Скопје, мај 1997.
19. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Optimizing the contouring accuracy of CNC milling machine with the CONTISURE system.Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Production Engineering, CIM'97, 12-13 June, 1997,Opatija, Croatia, D31-D40.
20. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Static and dynamic stiffness of the position servo systems. Proceedings of the Third ECPD International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Inteligent Automation and Active Systems, September 15-17, 1997, Bremen, Germany, pp.440-445.
21. З. Пандилов, В. Дуковски, Љ. Дудески, М. Кузиновски: Компјутерски потпомогната емпириска анализа на карактеристиките на регулираните погони кај металорезачките машини со нумеричко управување. Зборник на трудови-Машински факултет-Скопје, год.16, бр.2, стр. 113-118, (1997).(Објавено во октомври 1998)
22. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski, Lj. Dudeski: Computer aided system for designing CNC machine tool main spindle drives. Proceedings of the 27th International conference on production engineering, 23-25 September 1998, Nis-Niska Banja, Serbia, Yugoslavia, pp.16.
23. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided design of CNC machine tools drives. Proceedings of the 9th International DAAAM Symposium, 22-24 October 1998, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp.367-368.
24. H. Schulz, Z. Pandilov, H. Gao, B. Bork : Dynamic Stiffness and Contouring Accuracy of a HSC Linear Motor Machine, Proceedings of the 2nd International German and French Conference on High Speed Machining, March 10-11, 1999, Darmstadt, Germany, pp.75-83.
25. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Analytical determination of the position loop gain for CNC machine tools, AMST-99, 3-4 June 1999, Udine, Italy. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, AMST’99, Udine, Italy, pp.659-666. Published in: E. Kuljanic (Ed.) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Tecnology, CISM Courses and Lectures No.406, Springer Verlag, Wien New York, 1999.
26. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Static and dynamic stiffness of CNC machine tool feed drives, IFToMM-99, Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (Vol.4), University of Oulu, Finland, June 20 - 24, 1999, pp.1489-1494.
27. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski , Lj. Dudeski: CAD of CNC machine tool main spindle drives, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference AMTECH'99 (Vol.II), 23-25 June 1999, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pp.521-528
28. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: CAD for CNC machine tool main spindle and feed drives, Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of IFAC,International Federation Of Automatic Control,Volume A (Manufacturing, Social Effects, Scheduling), Bejing, P.R.China, July 5-9, 1999, Paper No. A-1a-02-1, pp.31-36, ISBN 0 08 043248 4
29. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided system for CNC machine tool main spindle drives design, Proceedings of the 15th ICPR Conference, Volume I, 9th-12th, August 1999, University of Limerik, Limerik, Ireland, pp.115-118.
30. Зоран Пандилов, Владимир Дуковски, Љубен Дудески: Оптимизацијана механичките елементи за пренос на погоните за помест кај металорезачките машини со нумеричко управување, Зборник на трудови-Машински факултет-Скопје, год.17, бр.2, стр.107-114, (1998). (Објавено во септември 1999 год.)
31. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: A simple method for analytical calculation of the position loop gain for CNC machine tools. Proceedings of the 10th DAAAM International Symposium, Vienna University of Technology, 21-23rd October 1999, Vienna, Austria, pp.407-408
32. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: CONTISURE system-a successful tool in assessing the contouring accuracy of the CNC machine tools, Proceedings of XXVI JUPITER Conference and XXII NC, ROBOTS and FMS Symposium, 8.-11.02.2000, Beograd, Yugoslavia, pp.3.225-3.230
33. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Application of CONTISURE system for optimizing the CNC milling machine contouring accuracy. 10th national scientific/techical Conference with International participation "Automation of Discrete Production", ADP-2000, 31 May-3 June 2000, Sosopol, Bulgaria, pp.231-238. Printed in the Journal "Научни известиÔ", Year VII, No.2 (53), May 2000, ISSN-1310-3946
34. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided optimal CNC machines feed drives design. Proceedings of the V Miedzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej "Komputerowe Wspomaganie Prac Inzynierskich", Polanicy Zdroj, 31.05.-03.06.2000, Poland, Tom 2, pp.191-200.
35. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer programs for CNC machine tool drives design. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on flexible technologies, MMA'2000-FLEXIBLE TECHNOLOGIES, June 8, 2000, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia., pp.61-62.
36. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided CNC machine tool drives design, Proceedings of the 6th International scientific conference on Production Engineering CIM 2000, Lumbarda, Korcula, Croatia, June 15-16, 2000, pp.II-13 – II-24.
37. Z. Pandilov, H. Schulz, B. Bork, H. Gao: Improving the contouring accuracy of a HSC linear motor machine, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics, MCPL'2000,5-8 July 2000, Grenoble, France, Section A1.2. Mechatronics and Robotics, Paper No.139, pp.1-6
38. Z. Pandilov, H. Schulz, B. Bork, H. Gao: Dynamic stiffness of a HSC linear motor machine, Proceedings of JUSFA2000, 2000 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, International Conference on Innovation for the 21st Century: Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, July 23-26, 2000, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Part D4: Machines and Machine Tools, Paper No.2000JUSFA-13156, pp.1-8, ISBN 0-7918-1998-1.
39. З. Пандилов, В. Дуковски, Љ. Дудески: Компјутерско проектирање на оптимални погони за помест кај металорезачките машини со нумеричко управување, Зборник на трудови-Машински факултет-Скопје, год.18, бр.18/1-2, стр.3-10 , (1999). (Објавено во септември 2000 год.)
40. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Static and dynamic position servo systems stiffness. Proceedings of the AAS'2000: International symposium on applied automatic systems, 21-23 September, 2000, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, ASS 4-3, pp.81-85.
41. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski, Lj. Dudeski: Computer aided CNC machine tools main spindle drives design, Proceedings of the 5th International Research/Expert Conference "Trends in the development of machinery and associated technology", TMT 2000, October 2000, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Session I, pp.51-58.
42. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided design of main spindle drives for CNC machine tools. Proceedings of the 11th DAAAM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM "Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Man-Machine-Nature", University of Rijeka, 19-21st October 2000, Opatia, Croatia, pp.349-350.
43. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Position servo systems stiffness. Proceedings of the National Conference with International participation AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS'2000, October 24-26, 2000, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.18-21.
44. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided design of CNC machine tools feed drives, Proceedings of the 2nd DAAAM Workshop "INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS" November 30th, 2000, Kosice, Slovakia, pp.59-60.
45. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Optimal CNC machine tools feed drives computer aided design. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference "Business Systems Management-UPS 2001", 31st May-2nd June 2001, University of Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp.221-224, ISBN 3-901509-26-7.
46. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: CNC machine tools main spindle drives computer aided design, Proceedings of the XXVII JUPITER Conference and XXIII NC, ROBOTS and FMS Symposium, 5.-8.06.2001, Beograd, Yugoslavia, pp.3.11-3.14.
47. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: CNC machine tool feed drives stiffness, Proceedings of the 7th International scientific Conference on Production Engineering, CIM 2001, June 14-15, 2001, Lumbarda, Korcula, Croatia, pp.II-43-II-50.
48. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: CNC machine tool feed drives static and dynamic stiffness, Proceedings of the THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES'01, 24-26 June 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria, Section 1. DESIGN, MODELLING AND OPTIMISING, Paper S.I.16, pp. 50-53, Printed in the Journal "SCIENTIFIC PROCEEDINGS of the scientific-technical union of mechanical engineering", Year VIII, Volume 2 (57), June 2001, ISSN-1310-3946.
49. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided design of CNC machine tools feed drives, Proceedings of the16th International Conference on Production Research, ICPR-16, 29 July-3 August 2001, Prague, Czech Republic. Section J1, Flexible Manufacturing systems, Paper J1.4, No.0125, pp. J1.4-1–J1.4-9, ISBN 80-02-01438-3.
50. Z. Pandilov: Improvement of the HSC linear motor machine contouring accuracy. Preprints of the IFAC Workshop on Manufacturing, Modeling, Management and Control, MIM 2001, 2-4 August 2001, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, pp.105-110.
51. Z. Pandilov: Improving the linear motor machine contouring accuracy, Proceedings of the International Manufacturing Conference-18, IMC-18: “Competitive Manufacturing in 2001”, (Editor: G.F. Cummings), September 5th, 6th and 7th, 2001, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, pp.313-320.
52. Z. Pandilov: Dynamic and static stiffness of the position servo systems, Workshop-MECHATRONISCHE SYSTEME-Entwicklungen, Applikationen und Perspektiven, 13-14 September 2001, Nis, Yugoslavia, pp.97-101.
53. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Analytical calculation of the CNC machine tool position loop gain, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Revitlization and Modernization of Production, RIM 2001, (Edited by: M. Jurkovic & I. Karabegovic), September, 27th-29th, 2001, Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Section "C", Processing and Technological Systems, pp.393-399, ISBN 9958-624-10-9.
54. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski , Lj. Dudeski: CAD of CNC machine tools feed drives, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering & Technology AMTECH-2001, 3-5 October 2001, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Vol.3, Section MODELING AND CAD/CAM, pp.141-146.
55. З. Пандилов, В. Дуковски, Љ. Дудески: Експериментални испитувања на погоните за помест кај металорезачките машини со нумеричко управување, Зборник на трудови-Машински факултет-Скопје, год.19, бр.2, стр.129-137, (2000), ISSN 0351-6067 (Објавено во октомври 2001 год.)
56. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: CNC machine tools feed drives computer aided design. Proceedings of the Conference "Situation and pespective of research and development in chemical and mechanical industry" with international participation, 22-24 October 2001, Krusevac, Yugoslavia, Book1: Mechanical Engineering, pp.259-265.
57. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Optimal computer aided design of CNC machine tools feed drives. Annals of DAAAM for 2001 & Proceedings of the 12th DAAAM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM "Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Focus on Precision Engineering", Jena University of Applies Sciences, 24-27th October 2001, Jena, Germany, pp.345-346. Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria 2001, Editor B. Katalinic, ISBN 3-901509-19-4.
58. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Using CONTISURE-system in assessing the contouring accuracy of the CNC machine tools, Proceedings of the 3rd DAAAM Workshop "INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS" 29th November, 2001, Kosice, Slovakia, pp.55-56, Editor B. Katalinic & E. Wessely, ISBN 3-901509-31-3.
59. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided design of feed drives for CNC machine tools, Proceedings of the 7th International Design Conference "DESIGN 2002" May 14-17, 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Editor: Dorian Marjanovic, Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, The Design Society 2002), Vol. 2, Section: Technical Systems, pp. 1103-1108, ISBN 953-6313-47-9.
60. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: CAD of main spindle drives for CNC machine tools, Proceedings of the 8th International scientific Conference on Production Engineering, CIM 2002, Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining, June 13-14, 2002, Brijuni, Croatia, (Edited by Roko Cebalo & Herbert Schulz), Part II - Machine Tools and Systems, pp. II-025-II-034, ISBN 953-97181-4-7.
61. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Stiffness of CNC machine tool feed drives, AMST'02, 20-21 June 2002, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, AMST’02, pp.259-266. Published in: E.
Kuljanic (Ed.) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Tecnology, CISM Courses and Lectures No.437, Springer Verlag, Wien New York, 2002. ISBN 3-211-83689-6.
62. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Analytical determination of the CNC machine tool position loop gain, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2002), July 15-17, 2002, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany, Session: Robotics and Sensing Systems, pp.944-950, Oldenbourg Verlag, München, Germany, ISBN 3-486-27036-2.
63. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Assessing the contouring accuracy of the CNC machine tools by using CONTISURE-system, Annals of DAAAM for 2002 & Proceedings of the 13th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM "Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Learning from the Nature", Vienna University of Technology, 23-26th October 2002, Vienna, Austria, pp.407-408. Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria 2002, Editor B. Katalinic, ISBN 3-901509-29-1.
64. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided design of drives for CNC machine tools. Proceedings of the 4th DAAAM Workshop „Human Factor and Environmentalistic“, 5th December 2002, Kosice, Slovakia, pp.81-82, Editor B. Katalinic & E. Wessely, ISBN 3-901509-37-2.
65. З. Пандилов, В. Дуковски, Љ. Дудески: Компјутерско проектирање на регулираните погони за главно вртежно движење кај нумерички управуваните металорезачки машини, Зборник на трудови-Машински факултет-Скопје, год. 21, бр. 1, стр. 29-35, (2002), ISSN 0351-6067. (Објавено во јануари 2003 год.)
66. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: CAD of CNC machine tool drives, XIV Workshop on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systems MANUFACTURING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT, 10-12 March 2003, Karpacz, Poland, Printed in the Journal “MACHINE ENGINEERING”, Vol.3, No.1-2, 2003, pp.207-216 (Edited by Jerzy Jedrzejewski), ISSN 1642-6568.
67. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: A simple method for analytical calculation and experimental determination of the optimal position loop gain for CNC machine tools, Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, CIM 2003, Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining, June 05-06, 2003, Lumbarda, Korcula, Croatia, (Edited by Roko Cebalo & Herbert Schulz), Part II - Machine Tools and Systems, pp. II-035-II-046, ISBN 953-97181-5-5.
68. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Dynamic and static stiffness of the CNC machine tool feed drives, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2003, June 9th –11th, 2003, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA, Volume I, pp.366-374, (Editors: Munir Ahmad, William Miller, Ali Yalcin).
69. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Assessing the CNC machine tools contouring accuracy by using CONTISURE-system. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on flexible technologies, MMA'2003, June 26-27, 2003, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, pp.43-44.
70. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: One approach towards analytical determination of the CNC machine tool position loop gain, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Production Research, ICPR-17, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, August 3-7, 2003. Section M3.3, Manufacturing Processes and Materials, Paper 0008, pp. 1-4, (Editor Michael P. Deisenroth), ISBN 0-9721257-3-6.
71. З. Пандилов, В. Дуковски, Љ. Дудески: Компјутерско проектирање на регулираните погони кај нумерички управуваните металорезачки машини, Зборник на трудови-Машински факултет-Скопје, год. 21 , бр. 2, стр. 117-124, (2002), ISSN 0351-6067. (Објавено во септември 2003 год.)
72. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Using CONTISURE system for optimizing the CNC milling machine contouring accuracy, Annals of DAAAM for 2003 & Proceedings of the 14th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Reconstruction and Development", 22-25th October 2003, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp.337-338. Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria 2003, Editor B. Katalinic, ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 3-901509-34-8.
73. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Optimization of the CNC milling machine contouring accuracy with the CONTISURE system. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2004, 12-14 July, 2004, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, Volume I, Flexible Automation, pp.618-624, (Editors: Lihui Wang, Jeff Xi, William G. Sullivan, Munir Ahmad), ISBN 0-662-37218-2.
74. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Analytical calculation of the NC machine tool position loop gain, Proceedings of the 21st International Manufacturing Conference, IMC-21, “Servicing
Manufacturing”, 1st-3rd September 2004, University of Limerick, Department of Manufacturing & Opertaions Engineering, Limerick, Ireland, Section “MACHINE DESIGN IN METAL CUTTING”, pp.408-413, (Editor: Dr. Pat Phelan), ISBN: 1-8746537-7-1.
75. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Stiffness of numerical control machine tool feed drives, Conference Proceedings of the Scientific Conference with International Participation “Manufacturing and Management in 21st century”, September 16-17, 2004, Ohrid, Republic of MACEDONIA, Chapter One, Section M1-Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (Metalworking Industry), Paper M1-01, pp.1-6, ISBN: 9989-2325-0-4.
76. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer Aided Optimal Design of CNC Machine Tools Position Servo Systems, Annals of DAAAM for 2004 & Proceedings of the 15th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Globalisation-Technology-Men-Nature”, 3-6th November 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp.329-330, Published by DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna, Austria 2004, Editor B. Katalinic, ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 3-901509-42-9.
77. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer Aided Design of CNC Machine Tools Main Spindle Drives, XVI Workshop on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systems, INTELLIGENT MACHINES AND FACTORIES, 14th - 16th March, 2005, Karpacz, Poland. Printed in the Journal “MACHINE ENGINEERING”, Vol.5, No.1-2, 2005, pp.243-251 (Edited by Jerzy Jedrzejewski), ISSN 1642-6568.
78. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer Aided Design of Main Spindle and Feed Drives for Numerically Controlled Machine Tools, AMST'05, 9-10 June 2005, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, AMST'05, pp.287-296. Published in: E. Kuljanic (Ed.) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Tecnology, CISM Courses and Lectures No.486, Springer Verlag, Wien New York, 2005. ISBN-10 3-211-26537-6, ISBN-13 978-3-211-26537-6.
79. Z. Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Optimal computer aided design of servo drives for CNC machine tools, Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, CIM 2005, June 15-17th, 2005, Lumbarda, Korcula, Croatia. (Edited by Roko Cebalo & Herbert Schulz), Part II - Machine Tools and Systems, pp. II-055-II-062, ISBN 953-97181-6-3.
80. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: CAD of Drives for Numerically Controlled Machine Tools, Conference Proceedings of the 18-th International Conference on Production Research, ICPR-18, „The Networked Enterprise: a challenge for a sustainable development“, July 31 – August 4, 2005, University of Salerno, Fisciano [SA], Italy. Section 76-CAD-Paper 1-pp.1-4, ISBN 88-87030-96-0.
81. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Analytical calculation of the position loop gain for numerically controlled machine tools, Annals of DAAAM for 2005 & Proceedings of the 16th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Young Researches and Scientists", 19-22nd October 2005, Opatija, Croatia, pp.283-284. Published by DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna, Austria 2005, Editor B. Katalinic, ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 3-901509-46-1.
82. Z. Pandilov: Improving the HSC linear motor machine contouring accuracy, Proceedings of the 39th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, THE MORPHOLOGY OF INNOVATIVE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, June 7th –9th, 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Section: MACHINE TOOL CONTROL, pp.313-316, (Editors: P. Butala and G. Hlebanja), ISBN 961-6536-09-5.
83. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Optimization of the numerically controlled milling machine contouring accuracy with the CONTISURE system, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on flexible technologies-MMA'2006, June 15-16, 2006, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, Section B: Machine tools, pp.47-48, ISBN 86-85211-96-4.
84. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer Aided Optimal Servo Drives Design for CNC Machine Tools, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2006, June 26-28 th 2006, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, Volume I, RAPID MAN/CMC, CNC, pp.1153-1158, (Editors: Huw Lewis, Bill Gaughran, Stephen Burke), ISBN 18-7465-393-3.
85. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Stiffness of the position servo systems, Proceedings of International scientific Conference on Production Engineering, June 28th -July 2nd, 2006, Lumbarda, Korcula, Croatia, pp.179-185, (Edited by: R. Cebalo, J. Kopac & D. Ciglar), ISBN 953-97181-7-1.
86. V. Gecevska, F. Cus, Z. Pandilov, M. Milfelner: Implementation of Activity Based Costing (ABC) in small and medium companies using proposed procedure, Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol.6, No.4, 2006, pp.128-140 (Edited by Jerzy Jedrzejewski), ISSN 1895-7595.
87. Z.Pandilov: Types of errors at parallel kinematics machine tools, Proceedings of the Conference with international participation MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS-Development, application and perspective-REMUS'06, September 27-28, 2006, Nis, Serbia, pp.167-171, ISBN 86-80587-63-X.
88. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided design of numerically controlled machine tools drives, Annals of DAAAM for 2006 & Proceedings of the 17th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Mechatronics & Robotics”, 8-11th November 2006, Vienna, Austria, pp.283-284, Published by DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna, Austria 2006, Editor B. Katalinic, ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 3-901509-57-7.
89. Z.Pandilov, K. Rall: Parallel Kinematics Machine Tools: History, Present, Future. Mechanical Engineering-Scientific Journal, Published by Faculty Mechanical Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Vol.25, No.1, (2006), pp.9-26. CODEN: MINSC5-367, ISSN 1857-5293. (Published in February 2007).
90. Z.Pandilov, V. Gecevska: Error types at parallel kinematics machine tools, Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, 2007, pp.72-79 (Edited by Jerzy Jedrzejewski), ISSN 1895-7595.
91. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: One approach towards analytical determination of the CNC machine tool feed drives position loop gain, Proceedings of the 40th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, 30 May - 1 June 2007, Liverpool, UK, Section-MT (Machine Tool Technology), pp.MT2-1-MT2-6.
92. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Application of the double ball bar test for optimizing contouring accuracy of CNC milling machine, Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, CIM 2007, June 13-17, 2007, Biograd, Croatia, pp.251-256, (Edited by: E. Abele, T. Udiljak & D. Ciglar), ISBN 978-953-97181-9-8.
93. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided design of numerically controlled machine tools main spindle drives, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2007, June 18-20, 2007, Philadelphia, USA, Volume 1, pp.266-273, (Editors: Robin G. Qiu, David W. Russell, William G. Sullivan & Munir Ahmad), ISBN: 978-1-4276-2092-7.
94. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Analytical calculation of the CNC machines position loop gain, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 23, Issue 1, July 2007, pp.71-74, ISSN 1734-8412.
95. Z.Pandilov: Analytical determination of the position loop gain for linear motor CNC machine tool, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 26, Issue 2, February 2008, pp.171-174, ISSN 1734-8412.
96. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided optimal design of servo drives for CNC machine tools, Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, 2008, pp.77-83 (Edited by Jerzy Jedrzejewski), ISSN 1895-7595.
97. Z.Pandilov, K. Rall: Open problems in parallel robotics. Mechanical Engineering-Scientific Journal, Published by Faculty Mechanical Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Vol.27, No.1, (2008), pp.31-41. CODEN: MINSC5-392, ISSN 1857-5293.
98. R. Cep, Z.Pandilov: Ceramic cutting tools – specification and application areas. Mechanical Engineering-Scientific Journal, Published by Faculty Mechanical Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Vol.27, No.1, (2008), pp.43-47. CODEN: MINSC5-392, ISSN 1857-5293.
99. Z.Pandilov: Improving the contouring accuracy of a HSC linear motor machine tool, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology – AMST’08, 12-13 June 2008, Udine, Italy, pp.363-370, Published in: E. Kuljanic (Ed.) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, CISM, Udine, 2008. ISBN-10 88-85137-22-9, ISBN-13 978-88-85137-22-9.
100.Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided design of main spindle and feed drives for CNC machine tools, Proceedings of the 2nd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON MARITIME AREA, June 17-21, 2008, Lumbarda, Korcula, Croatia, pp.233-241. (Edited by R. Cebalo, J. Kopac & D. Bajic).