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Choose one of the Bachelor’s degree programs: Bachelor of Science in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (4 years studies) or Bachelor of ENGINEERING (3 years studies).

Become a Master in Mechanical Engineering in full time studies in one of nine postgraduate study programs or in part time studies in six postgraduate study programs, according...

The Doctoral School represents our commitment to high quality education of professionals in the field of engineering with competency in research, development and innovation...

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering undertakes research activities in the field of Mechanical Engineering and it is a centre for the development of science, scientific thought...

Машински факултет - Скопје

Меѓународна конференција за ладилна техника и топлински пумпи Охрид, 11-13 мај 2017

Конференцијата е организирана и спроведена заедно со Меѓународниот институт за ладилна техника (International Institutе of Refrigeration - Paris) по седми пат.

TIMES 2017 на МФС

TIMES е турнир (натпревар) по менаџмент и инжинерски вештини каде се решаваат студии на случаи. Тоа е водечки проект на студентската организација ESTIEM.


Наши проекти

Contact Us

University "St. Cyril and Methodius"

Faculty of Mechanical engineering - Skopje
Karpos II bb
1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Tel:+ 389 2 3099-200
Fax:+ 389 2 3099-298

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