Ammonia Refrigeration Technology

for Today and Tomorrow

International Conference
- Ohrid 2007 -


Initiative for Establishing of Natural Refrigerants Fund

Aim: promotion and implementation of technologies with natural refrigerants in developing countries together with developed countries.

After the Montreal Protocol, HFCs were developed as replacements for CFCs and HCFCs but are now themselves under threat on account of their high global warming potentials. There are opposite views and many hot debates about the present and future development in refrigeration and air conditioning regarding refrigerants. However, a mayor barrier is proper information regarding appliance of the natural refrigerants. This is especially expressed in developing countries where penetration of HCFC and HFC technologies is more intensive.

Natural refrigerants are win-win solutions for the climate and the ozone layer.

The Natural Refrigerants Fund shall be used for:
- Promotion of natural refrigerants (ozone and climate friendly technologies) through dissemination of information;
- Organization of workshops, giving lectures (especially in developing countries);
- Providing financial and technical support to enable using of new technologies with natural refrigerants;
- Training courses (designing, maintenance, safety);
- Support for demonstration projects with transfer of technologies from developed countries;
- Modernization of existing ammonia refrigeration plants, especially in developing countries;
- Support research and innovation in natural refrigerant technologies to institutions and companies;
- Integration of research activities, dissemination of results from research to more stakeholders;
- Organization of public campaign;
- Web site hosting, presenting all activities and news, case studies, sponsors;
The concept is open for your proposals.

Discussion at meeting during the conference in Ohrid to set a plan for concrete activities.
Join us with proposals, suggestions and dissemination of the idea.

If you agree with this initiative, please send e-mail with OK, or as you like.